トルコの伝統アートEbru(エブル) Workshop のお知らせ

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トルコの伝統アートEbru(エブル) Workshop のお知らせ

10月10日(火)と11日(水)トルコに在住でトルコの伝統アートのエブルアーティストの日本人友人が ここ数年精力的に日本とトルコでエブル体験ワークショップを開いていますが、このたび 初めてのロンドンでワークショップを開きます。(場所は北ロンドンをお借りしています)



トルコの伝統アートEbru(エブル) Workshop



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[Ebru エブルとは?]

このエブルアートは 通説では中央アジア発祥といわれていますが定かでなく、 シルクロードを経て「オスマン帝国」で隆盛を極めました。

世界でただ1つだけのあなたオリジナルのエブルアートを このワークショップを通して体験し、楽しみながら作り出してみませんか?


場所:Chalice Gallery  https://www.chalice-gallery.com/ 
申し込み・問い合わせ:info@yukamando.com (満藤)

*どちらか可能な日をお選びください。また、両日参加でも 勿論大歓迎!です。


[講師エブルアーティスト 大下美樹のプロフィール]

日本、大阪生まれ。10年以上障害者の人たちのサポートをする。子供の頃からいつもトルコに興味を引かれ、トルコの伝統的絵画のエブルを習うためトルコへ。現在7年間トルコ人エブルアーティストのHikmet Barutçgil先生の下で働く。日本でも障害者の子供達にエブルを通してサポートしている。ここ数年、エブルの素晴らしさをもっと多くの人々に知ってもらいたい、と情熱を傾けながらトルコや日本で精力的にワークショップを開いている。





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[English version]



Turkish Traditional Ebru Workshop

Would you like to experience Turkish Traditional Ebru Art?


[What is Ebru?]
Ebru is the traditional Turkish art of creating colourful patterns by sprinkling and brushing colour pigments onto a pan of oily water and then transferring the patterns to paper. Known as marbling.
It is unknown exactly when or where Ebru art started. However, its said this type of art was originated in Central Asia and it’s called [Abru ( surface of water)] or [Ebri ( Clouds)] in Iran. After that, through the Silk Road, it came to Anatolia with the Turkish and it came to be known as [Ebru].
Currently, Ebru is known as marbling. In 17th Century, Ebru was spread in Europe as Turkish paper.Ebru is commonly used for decoration in binding and in backgrounds of Calligraphy.
Would you like to experience and create your original Ebru by yourself trough this workshop?


[Booking Details]
Date: 10th ( Tues) , 11th (Wed) October 2017
Time : 10am-2pm
Address: Chalice Gallery https://www.chalice-gallery.com/
(More details when you make booking )
Available spaces: max 16 people
Fee: £40 per person
Booking to : info@yukamando.com (Yuka)

*Please choose the date that you would like to attend.
You are very welcome you attend both dates.
You can take 3 or 4 of different types of marbling patterns back home.


[Miki Oshita’s profile]

Miki Oshita was born in Osaka, Japan. She has helped disabled people for over 10 years. She has always had an interest about Turkey since she was a little child. She went to Turkey to learn Ebru (Marbling) which is similar to Suminigashi (Japanese Traditional Art). She has been working on Ebru with her master Hikmet Barutçugil in Ebristan for 7 years. She also helps disabled children in Japan by using Ebru as a therapy. Recently, she holds Ebru Workshop in both, Turkey and Japan.





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また、トルコ文化センター(Yunus Emre Institute)でも2日間ワークショップを開催

場所:Yunus Emre Institute
10 Maple Street Dowing House W1T 5HA
申し込み・問い合わせ:詳細はYunus Emre Instituteにお問い合わせください。





miki's profile photo



