Kings Rose
New items have just arrived!
Tatami Bags : Tatami Bags are made by Tatami and edging materials. Tatami is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanese-style rooms. Traditionally Tatami is made by igusa straw, However, those bags are used Tatami which made by Japanese paper with special waterproofing treatment, waterproof antibacterial, it is also a pleasant feature that it is hard to sun burn. Easy to clean house dust and dirt.

Tatami Bag Red
Ash Grey colour of Tatami and Edging Material is called [Tatekuwamon]. In the past it was a special edging couldn’t use ordinary people in the past, now it is used in the temple, the emperor. Tatekuwa is a pattern of a steam-like and a symbol of prosperity.

Tatami Bag Rose
Charcoal black tatami with Hemp leaf edging. Rose is used cowhide.
Hemp grows rapidly and strongly. Therefore, it was used as a pattern of garnishment in praying for the child’s postnatal fertilization and growth. It is also used as a lucky charm.

Tatami Bag Wa
Ash Grey colour of Tatami and Charcoal black tatami with the edging for Koraimon, Tatekuwamon and pure gold. Koraimon is used in the tea room of the national treasure, the emperor, the temple etc. Made from polyethylene and processed cotton.
There are only a few craftsmen who weave 100% cotton edging thus 100% cotton edging increases by 30% from normal edging, as well as pure gold as much as 10% more expensive.

Tatami bag Small
There is a Japanese paper tatami in between while combining a plain, transparent type edging with a mon edging.

Tatami Bag Note
£ 150
灰鼠色の畳にドットの麻のヘリを使用。 素材はポリエチレンポリプロピレンです。
Ash Grey colour of Tatami with the edging is dot that material is polyethylene polypropylene.

Tatami bag Green
Ash Grey colour of Tatami with the edging is stripes that material is polyethylene polypropylene.

Tatami bag Brown
Ash Grey colour of Tatami with the edging is dot, stripes and hemp leaf that material is polyethylene polypropylene.

Tatami Bag Fur
Ash Grey colour of Tatami with the edging of pattern of Hemp leaf. Hemp grows rapidly and strongly. Therefore, it was used as a pattern of garnishment in praying for the child’s postnatal fertilization and growth. It is also used as a lucky charm.

Tatami Wallet
£ 100
Ash Grey colour of Tatami with the edging which material is polyethylene polypropylene.

練り香水(Rose Concrete)
£30 (7g)
ブルガリア産オーガニックダマスクローズの花びらの部分だけを贅沢に使った、自然の薔薇の香 りたっぷりの練り香水です。着色料無添加。自然の花びらの色です。 裏ワザとして、目じりにちょっとだけつけると3日で小じわが気にならなくなります。
薔薇には強い抗酸化作用があるのですが、これは薔薇そのものを固めたようなものですから強力 です。 この練り香水は 香水としてではなくお肌のお手入れとして使用する場合は朝ではなく、夜のお 肌のお手入れにご使用になると良いです。
成分: 100% Rose Concrete /Rosa damascena/, Citronellol, Geraniol
こちらの商品は、個人輸入代行の形でブルガリアから直接お届けします。(送料は別途案内 )
Used natural & pure organic rose only.
This gorgeous rose concrete is made in Bulgarian farm.

ローズウォーター(Rose Water) 100ml £8
このローズウォーターはかなり上質ダマスクローズから作られており、古代からの使い方どうり 飲むこともできますし、デザート(スイーツ)を作ったり 化粧水として体全体につけたり、色々な用途でお使いいただけま す。 ベネフィットとしましてお肌が柔らかくなり潤いも保たれます。また、精神面にもストレスを軽 減できるなど良い影響があります。 下記は英語ですが、このようにローズウォーターは使えます。
また、5リットル、10リットル単位の注文も受け付けますので 興味のある方は是非お問い合わせください。
Handmade item Materials: flower water, organic rose, organic water, pure and natural, organic, rose, rosa damascena, damascena.
Bulgarian Rosa Damascena is considered the most precious essence of all, requiring more than 7,000 petals to produce a single magical drop. Unique climate and soil conditions make Bulgarian Rosa Damascena the finest in the world with exquisite and classy rose scent.
We also sell 5L & 10L Rosewater. Please contact if you are interested in.
*2* Add few drops of jojoba oil and use as a make up remover
*3* Spritz on hair to nourish and scent
*4* Set make up to last longer and remove powdery finish
*5* Mix with clays for luxurious face mask
*6* Use as a natural body fragrance
*7* Add to bath water for lavish aromatherapy and skin care ritual
*8* Spritz on bedsheets for romantic rosy experience
*9* Add to flour while cooking cakes for depth and complexity of taste
*10* Make refreshing scented water by adding few drops of rose water to ice tea or pure water and a slice of lime
Rosewater Lemonade
5 1/3 cups water 1 cup brown sugar 1 1/3 cups fresh lemon juice (about 6 to 7 lemons) 2 1⁄2 to 3 1⁄2 teaspoons rose water
Combine water and sugar in a saucepan and heat over mediumlow heat, stirring just until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and cool. Stir in lemon juice and rose water to taste. Chill well before serving. *
1.まず最初に5 カップと1/3カップの水に1カップのブラウンシュガー、1 カップと1/3カップのレモンジュース(レモン6個か7個くらい)、2 カップと1/2カップまたは 3 カップと1/2カップのローズウォーターを用意してください。
2.5 カップと1/3カップの水に1カップのブラウンシュガーをなべの中に入れて中火にかけます。混ぜながらブラウンシュガーを溶かします。ブラウンシュガーがとけたら火からおろし、冷まします。
Nourishing Rose Face Spa
Home spa treatment for dry, dull, lifeless and aging skin. It instantly softens and rejuvenates skin, makes it glow.
1⁄4 cup Rose water
5 drops Rose oil
2 drops Melissa oil
1 drop Clary Sage oil
Mix all oils well. Moist a face towel with the Rose Water and heat it in a microwave oven. Make sure it is not hot for the gentle face skin. The towel has to be warm, but nice to the touch. With circular movements, gently massage the oil mixture into clean, dry face (preferably after shower), avoiding the eye area. Lie down, relax and gently press the warm towel to your face. Enjoy the fragrant spa and rejuvenate.

①トルコ伝統エブル(トルコマーブリング)スカーフ/Handmade Ebru ( Turkish Marbling) Scarves £120
②ハンドメイド墨流しスカーフ/Handmade Suminagashi( Japanese Marbling) Scarves £160

①エブルペンダント/Ebru Pendant £30
②エブルイヤリング/Ebru Earring £30
③エブルマグネット/Ebru Magnet £15